Jcfamilies Local Businesses

Why you should come to Exchange Place Plaza on June 10th?


Not that any of us need a reason to strap the kids into the double stroller and get out of the house, but sometimes we need a little motivation (or at least a destination.) Never fear – JCFamilies is throwing (another!) party. Save the second Fridays for the next five months for the Feministival.

The JCFeministival is a monthly party-in-the-park type event that brings local female business-owners out of their shops and gathers them in the sunshine overlooking one of the world’s most beautiful skylines. (Did someone say Springtime selfie?)

Imagine yourself (and your entourage – screaming children are especially encouraged) wandering around the Exchange Place Plaza on a Friday afternoon while the kids are suddenly clapping to music, or focusing on a magician, allowing you to socialize with other women who absolutely understand your simultaneous need to hold your kids close and watch them run far, far away. Don’t worry about forgetting the snacks. There’ll be food there.

At the Feministival, you’ll have the opportunity to watch the water glisten and chat with buy diazepam uk women who somehow had the wherewithal to start and grow businesses. You’ll connect with women who are passionate about their work, women who have something to share with the world. Women who, in addition to being your almost neighbors, are also health care providers, artists, and educators. Women who inspire.

Come find me! I’ll be the one with the messy-bun and the black t-shirt that one of my kids just spilled yogurt on. (Oh wait. That’s all of us.)

? who You! And your kids. Everyone’s invited!

? what JCFeministival!

? where Exchange Place Plaza

? when Second Fridays, 3-8 pm (5/13, 6/10, 7/8, 8/12, 9/9)

? why To support local female business owners, to make friends, to watch

? how If you’re not up for a walk, the Light-Rail stops at Exchange Place, the kiddies giggle, to bask in the glory of our city and so does the PATH.

Mel Kozakiewicz is the founder and CEO of The Moxie Group, a consulting company for all your marketing needs.

About the author

Dougmary Esquijarosa

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