
Help Us Donate Meals For Healthcare Workers

Written by Info

Help Us Donate Meals For Healthcare Workers

With everything that is happening around us with coronavirus, the heroes on the true frontline of the coronavirus crisis are: nurses, doctors, and staffers at local hospitals. They have been working tirelessly to help coronavirus patients even after have a shortage of supplies. We want to help them with you by donating a nice meal for them after working for hours. Sending a yummy meal can always help during this overwhelming time!

To help our local health care staff, JCFamilies is working with a few local restaurants, And here is how you can help:

Call any of the restaurants below to order food for the health care staff, and they will deliver the food directly:
Cafe Esme (929-281-5588)
Cafe Peanut (201- 721-6270)
Broa Cafe (201 463-1467)
Ginos Pizzeria (201-659-6464)
El Pollo Supremo (201-216-1900)
Health Bar  Cafe(201-963-4671)

This is an effort to help small and local businesses too.

You can email us if you would like to help at admin@jcfamilies.com

We appreciate your help and support, Stay Safe!


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