
Baby Clothes Swap in Jersey City

Date: Saturday, March 25th
Time: 10pm to 2pm
Location: Harborside Atrium
Let’s clear out some clutter. It is ONLY for maternity and baby/toddler CLOTHES:
o   Make sure your apparel items are freshly laundered and in good condition – no stains, fading, or excessive wear.
How will it work? Please, read all the Steps.
1)  In order to participate you need to bring at least 5 pieces.
2)   Each participant can get up to 10 pieces.
3)   Expectant Parents can participate by bringing 1 pack of baby diapers (worth 5 pieces), that will be donated to a charity organization in Jersey City.
4)  After the event gets over, unwanted  items will be donated.
5)  After filling the form JCFamilies’ team will contact you with further details about drop off.
If you have any additional question, please email Bianca at events-coordinator@jcfamilies.com

About the author

JCFamilies Families

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