Jcfamilies Parenting

Baby Steps Pediatrics at CarePoint Paulus Hook, Jersey City. Individualized and personal services for our little ones.

 Carmen Lebron Doctors in jersey city carepoint

We have a new pediatrician service in town! That is always a good news.

Dr. Carmen Lebron, the owner and practitioner gave us some details for our families to learn more about Baby Steps Pediatrics.

“Baby Steps Pediatrics is the name of my solo pediatric practice and I’m running this together with 2 other doctors. We have made this CarePoint Location our home, I’ve been in practice for 10 years in New Jersey where I graduated medical School and also did my pediatric residency program here and I’ve had my own practice for 3 years”.

This October, Baby Steps Pediatrics moved to CarePoint Location in Paulus Hook, Jersey City. “The location is excellent, we are right in the heart of Downtown, where you can find so many families and many little children. It is a convenient location because they can walk down to see their doctor. In fact, those days that I don’t have proper office hours, I do sick visits in the area” Dr. Lebron explained.

Baby Steps Pediatrics at CarePoint Paulus Hook

Baby Steps Pediatrics Business Hours are:

Monday and Tuesdays: 9 am to 1:30pm.

Wednesdays  and Thursdays: 2 pm to 7 pm.

Fridays: Closed for regular office hours but they are available for sick calls.

Saturday: 9 am to 2pm.

Doctor Lebron is available 24/7 for emergency calls.

Baby Steps Pediatrics at CarePoint Paulus Hook Doctors in jersey city

Baby Pediatrics has lab services limited for their own patients, take mostly all insurances and they also participate with Medicaid wellcare.


Why should I pick Baby Steps Pediatrics for my little one?


“My services are rather individualized and very personal. I don’t favor the business model of packing as many patients as you can do in a day although I try to see less patients and adapt to their needs. I can not rush a visit. Also for new moms, I have 2 lactation consultants in the community where I refer to because we recognize that having them on board is a great service”.

Baby Steps Pediatrics at CarePoint Paulus Hook Doctors in jersey city

Dr. Lebron invites expectant families to a complementary visit where she talks about some baby basics and breastfeeding. Please call her to make an appointment.


150 Warren Street, Suite 118

Jersey City, NJ 07302

[email protected]

Tel.  201-600-4306

Fax  800-915-7830


About the author

Dougmary Esquijarosa

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