We are announcing a cool new contest for this community.
1. Eligibility: All members of JCFamilies who upload one or more “eligible” photos (here)
2. Eligible Photo: The photo(s) must include your kid (you or any other person may or may not be in the frame) – for example, photo of your son with Santa is fine, but yours with Johnny Depp without the son is not! The photo should have a brief caption including name of the kid.
3. Contest Timeframe: Dec 20, 2010 – Jan 30, 2011
4. Criterion: Winner will be decided on the basis of total # of comments by the community members on the photo during the contest timeframe (i.e. photo with most comments will win)
5. Prize: A $25 gift card from Toys R Us. In event of a tie, the photo that was uploaded first will win.
So, get your digital cameras charged and start loading!