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JC Lunch Box: Middle Eastern Delights

Middle Eastern Delights

So you are contemplating lunches other than those same old sandwiches to give your kiddo … take this next sentence to heart (adapted from an old Army adage)  … PRIOR PLANNING PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE! Plan, organize and prepare, and your meal preps will be a breeze.

I know my kid is not the only hummus, falafel & pita lover. The smooth, creamy nutty dip pairs perfectly with warm doughy pita bread, alongside aromatic crunchy falafels, seriously, what’s not to like? The following offers you busy mamas a healthy make-over to a Middle Eastern classic. By omitting the frying and adding some protein and veggies into the mix, this completely transforms the meal into a healthy balanced and nutritious dinner meal that’s social, fun and interactive. Double win, it also makes for great lunch box leftovers.

Falafel Meatballs

Dry falafel mix

1lb lean ground turkey or chicken

3 cups finely chopped green vegetables lightly steamed (I like spinach, kale and broccoli mixed)

2 eggs

Prepare dry falafel mix as per instructions on the box, add ground meat, eggs and steamed greens. Stir to combine, cool mix for about 20 minutes. Form into small mini balls, place on parchment lined baking tray, bake at 350* for about 25 minutes. Set aside.


As much as I love making homemade hummus, time doesn’t always allow for this, and that’s okay. Just purchase your favorite brand. Mix it with a bunch of grated vegetables, carrot, cucumber, pepper and radish work really well. Seriously, this will be one of the biggest kid food hack successes of 2017, I guarantee it!

Lunch ideas for kids

Set the Stage

Set the table with falafel balls, veggie humus mix, salad and warm low carb pitas* cut in quarters and let the family dig it!

*low carb pita of choice: Joseph’s Middle East Bakery Low Carb Pita Bread – healthy, reduced carb (only 9 carbs per pita about half of most varieties), high protein pita bread with flax, an excellent source of Omega-3 and no cholesterol or saturated fat.


About the author

Bianca kirschner

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